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If you just want to take the quiz on types of climbing holds and your personality, and miss all the funky txt in between scroll down to the quiz chapter.
Intro for a quiz: Types of climbing holds and your personality

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, boulderers and climbers alike, to the ultimate quiz that will reveal the truth about your personality through the types of climbing holds.
Now, listen up, because this quiz is not about picking your favorite hold. Nope, not at all. It's about choosing the one that best represents your personality. And let's be real, who doesn't want to know if they're more of a sloper or a crimp kind of person?
We know that climbing can be a serious business, but let's not forget that humor is an essential part of the sport. So, let's have some fun with this quiz!
But never forget that when you're up there on the wall, you should love all your holds in front of you. They're not there to make your life easy but to challenge you and push you to be the best climber you can be. And hey, even if it's not your favorite hold, remember the famous Lee Scratch Parry song: “Don't complain because of rain”. When it's hard, you can sing it!"
Climbing hold is what it is, it will not change … but you can.

Types of climbing holds - some kind of definitions
You might think that there's a difference between types of climbing holds and the types of bouldering holds, but in reality, it's like comparing apples to... apples. Whether you're scaling a lead wall or a boulder, you're going to need some funky-shaped grips to cling to. So, let's get pumped!
Just in case you don't know all types of climbing and bouldering holds by heart or you just took them too seriously, here are a few facts:

Jugs are the hand-hold equivalent of a bear hug from your favorite aunt, except in this case, you are the aunt and the Jug hold is you. Complicated, right? Regardless, Jugs are big, easy to grip, and make you feel like you can conquer the top of the world.
As many fellow boulderers know, though, Jugs are for coffee.
These little guys are like tiny razor blades for your fingers. You'll need fingers of steel and the precision of a brain surgeon to hold on to these bad boys. Some are like credit cards glued to the wall, and some are even nastier.
Never forget that most of us are long-coming crimp experts.
They might look innocent with their rounded, smooth curves, but these holds are like a sly fox trying to trick you into falling off the wall. You'll need grip strength and body tension like a gymnast to stay on these slippery suckers.
But don't lose hope! Deep down, all of us have the potential to become future sloper kings or queens.
If you want to feel like you're crushing marbles with your bare hands, these are the holds for you. Squeeze 'em tight and feel the burn! And when you feel the burn, squeeze them even more. It's really hard and usually unrewarding.
After all, aren't we all pinch masters in the making?
These little buggers are like a box of chocolate from the climbing gods (the real ones, not Adam Ondra) - you never know when you're going to fall. And when you do, it's usually accompanied by heavy fingertips burning. So just stick your fingers in it and hold on for dear life.
Some are so shallow you'll barely get a finger in, while others are deep enough to hide a whole bag of chalk. You'll need the perfect combination of strength and finesse to get a grip on these tricksters.
Edges come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny nubs to massive ledges. You'll need to use your fingertips like suction cups to grip onto these sharp little guys. But the feeling of successfully maneuvering up an edge is like a victory dance on the wall.
And let's be real, who doesn't love a good victory dance?

Three reasons why we are the right persons to write a quiz
- We're a trio of Slovenian boulder bandits. We don't judge if you climb in clothes or in your birthday suit (although we prefer the former).
- In fact, we're so cool with clothed climbers that we have created some hilarious t-shirts with a built-in feel-good factor based on all types of climbing holds. If you want to join in on the laughter, check out our tees.
- We forgot the third reason.

Peter, one of the co-founders in an a moment when he realized that gravity is a bitch.
More embarrassing facts about us can be read here.
(Also you can check our home gym Bolder scena - the biggest bouldering gym in Slovenia, the land of serious climbers. Just in case you are nearby and your fingers have a bouldering itch)
Types of climbing holds that reflects our personalities
- Samo hates crimps, but pinches are his game according to the quiz.
- Janez loves slopers, but according to the quiz, his middle name is crimp.
- Peter loves everything and everyone, especially the big sloping curves.

And finally, quiz: Which Climbing Hold Are You?
Have fun!
What's your go-to move when things get tough?
a) I just hang on and hope for the best.b) I grit my teeth and power through.
c) I use my balance and flexibility to contort my way to the top.
d) I take a break and come back stronger.
e) I switch to another technique.
f) Dancing on the edge.
What's your biggest fear?
a) Falling.b) Failure.
c) Being stuck in one place.
d) Being judged.
e) Running out of options.
f) Losing my grip on reality.
How do you like your coffee?
a) Black and strong, just like me.b) With a little cream and sugar, because balance is key.
c) I don't drink coffee, I prefer tea.
d) With a splash of something strong, like a shot of grappa.
e) I prefer a small espresso shot.
f) Just coffee of any kind, please.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
a) No need for a superpower.b) Bones of steel.
c) Super grip.
d) Super strength.
e) Finger hook.
f) Zero gravity.
Do you have any climbing injuries?
a) There's chalk in my hair.b) I've pulled a finger tendon.
c) My spine needs three strong people to bend it.
d) My ego hurts.
e) I've got some worn-out fingertips.
f) No injuries? You're dead.
How many fingers do you have?
a) All of them.b) 5 on each hand.
c) Not enough.
d) 10.
e) (1+4)x2 (occasionally (2+3)x2).
f) Other.
Which word best describes you:
a) Poured.b) Chopped.
c) Burned.
d) Squeezed.
e) Perforated.
f) Edgy.
Based on your dominant response in the quiz Types of climbing holds (mostly a, mostly b, etc.), you are:
a) You are a Jug.b) Crimp is your middle name.
c) I will call you Sloper.
d) From now on you can name yourself Pinch.
e) Pick your Pocket.
f) Don't push me I am close to the Edge.
If you don't have a dominant answer, your nickname is Gaston
In case you don't know Gaston
This hold might sound like a fancy French dish, but trust us, it's no piece of cake. The climber's hand is turned sideways and grips a hold by cupping it with the little-finger side of the hand. Gastons require you to push with one hand while pulling with the other, like a tug-of-war with yourself. It's like trying to scratch your back and pat your head at the same time. The name comes from Gaston Rebuffat, a famous French mountain guide, and author.

Conclusion All you need is love for all Types of climbing holds
Congratulations, climbers! You've made it to the end of the quiz Types of climbing holds, and we hope you had a blast discovering which climbing hold type best matches your personality.
Remember, this was just for fun, so don't take the results too seriously. However, if you found some insights that resonated with you, go ahead and embrace them!
If you're not happy with your results, don't worry - you can always improve and evolve as a climber and a person. Keep practicing, trying new things, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
But most importantly, keep enjoying the journey. Climbing is not just about reaching the top, but about the experiences, the friendships, and the moments that make it all worth it. And to get to this half-zen half fun-park state you should love them all.
May the funk be with you.
You rock!
We believe that people are like a huge rock (boulder:). Inside every rock is hidden a beautiful sculpture and it becomes visible when you shape out of it. So in you is hidden a bouldering expert for every type of hold and with a lot of shaping it will come out.
If you agree, check out some funky bouldering holds T-shirts. They will keep you motivated and make your friends smile :)
From time to time we shamelessly share ideas, betas, news, a bit of promo, and other bouldering trivia like the following ones:

Fritz, the ultimate funkybeta model
Fritz lived at the flea market in Cologne. After relocating to Ljubljana he spent several peaceful years in our living room. Then he starts a new career and becomes the ultimate funkybeta model. His climbing motto is: "Always climb with your head!" (probably because he is legless).

Here's hard proof that "Gravity is a bitch and granite is its evil brother".
The picture is from our first trip to Prilep, Macedonia (Then as a young boulderer and not-so-young man:). Prilep is great, but the granite evidently completely destroyed my skin. After two years, we planned a second trip. However, the day before leaving, the driver and owner of the car contracted COVID-19. It's always "next time" :)

Climbing T-shirt graphic suitable for people who want to be spotted. One way or another.
It can be comforting to know that, through the application of reverse psychology, we all exhibit monkey-like behavior to some degree.
So climb into the funky news and subscribe to the Funky newsletter (you will also receive a 10% discount for your first purchase).
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any unauthorized sharing or mentioning is strictly WELCOME and if you come to our home climbing gym Bolder scena we will pay you a beer out of pure gratitude. I always wonder if anyone will ever read this I always wonder if anyone will ever read this. any txt mistales are not incidental. copyrights: Funkybeta bouldering; txt: samo with a little help from friendly chatgpt; photos: Vera, Janez, Samo; Ilustrations: GoArt
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